

Saturday 4 February 2012

5 Signs He Is the Right One For You

Sign #1 He Is the Right One – You Respect One Another
When it comes to figuring out if he is the right one, respect should be at the top of the list. Respect is also something that should go both ways. He should respect you and you should respect him, in turn.
You can tell he respects you when:
  • He is willing to compromise
  • He listens to your concerns and feelings
  • He notices when something is wrong and asks you about it
  • He values your opinion
  • He appreciates you
  • He is genuinely happy for you when you succeed
Sign #2 He Is the Right One – He Has the Qualities You’re Looking For
Ideally, you should know ahead of time what qualities are important to you in a mate. Trying to figure it out after the fact can lead to serious problems. If you have a good idea of the qualities you are looking for—the ones that are the most important—it will help you determine if he is the right one.
It helps to write a list. Select at least 10 qualities you are looking for in a man. Put that list in the order of importance. Take a serious look at the list and cross off any qualities that aren’t so important. Some qualities are probably negotiable. If that is the case, they can likely be removed from the list. The idea is to get down to at least the top 5 non-negotiable qualities that you are looking for.
Sign #3 He Is the Right One – You Share the Same Values
What do you value most? What values make up the life you have chosen to live? These are important questions to ask yourself, as they will help determine if he is the right one for you. Values are usually in-line with those non-negotiable items that will give you a clue as to whether or not he is the right one. If you don’t share the same values, consider that to be a red flag.
Sign #4 He Is the Right One – Your Intuition Tells You
Your intuition—your gut—should never be ignored. At the same time, it should never be THE deciding factor. Your intuition should serve as a guide, something you rely on when considering whether or not he is the right one.
Intuition is more than just how physically attracted you are towards him. It goes beyond that to a place deep inside where you just seem to “know.” It’s usually just a sense or a feeling that this person is the right one.

Sign #5 He Is the Right One – You Can Be Yourself With Him
You will not be appreciated or valued by a man who tries to change you or who cannot love you, flaws and all. So if you can be who you are when you are with him, he might just be the right one for you. This means he not only accepts the good in you, but also your weaknesses and faults. When you can be yourself, you will experience a sense of freedom. You will have confidence in knowing that he accepts you just as you are.
When taking these 5 signs into consideration, you will have a good idea if he is actually the right guy for you.